- Windsor
- Lawson, Donald James
- Lawson, Robert Henry
- Anderson, Mary Ann
- Bedfordshire
- Bunker, George
- Bunker, William
- Hurst, Joan
- Tilley, Elizabeth
- Berkshire
- Swain, John Sr
- Cambridgeshire
- Desborough, Elizabeth
- Howland, John
- Cheshire
- Holbrook, William
- King, Elizabeth
- Cumberland
- Adams, William
- Derbyshire | Derby
- Starbuck, Edward
- Devon | Devonshire
- Coffin, James
- Coffin, Peter
- Coffin, Tristram Sr
- Pinkham, Richard
- Stevens, Dionis
- Weare, Mary
- Worth, William
- Durham
- Howell, George
- Essex
- Benton, Andrew 1565-1623
- Benton, Andrew 1639-1714
- Benton, Edward 1539-1605
- Benton, Edward 1600-1680
- Benton, Humphry 1520 - 1583
- Butler, Jane Elizabeth
- Godfrey, Jane Elizabeth
- Gurganey, Adria
- Harris, Thomas
- Jackson, Susan Elizabeth
- Purden, Alice
- Herefordshire
- Pierpoint, Henry
- Kent
- Claiborne, William
- Crosher, Katherine
- Graves, Thomas
- Eppes, Francis II
- Hurbert, Anna
- Randolph, Henry Sr.
- Scranton, John I
- Lancashire
- Thompson, William
- Leicestershire
- Simpson, Thomas
- Middlesex | London
- Anderson, George Robert
- Anderson, Mary Ann
- Atkins, Daniel
- Hackwell, Elizabeth
- Hammond, Martin Sr
- Lawson, Robert Henry
- Heitzschelts, Maria A
- Perratt, Ann Barbara
- Perrin, John
- Reynolds, Elizabeth
- Shearin, Aaron
- Steger, Francis George
- Steger, John
- Steger, Paul
- Waters, Mary Elizabeth
- Northamptonshire
- Banks, Katherine
- Isham, Henry
- Nottinghamshire
- Cooke, Elizabeth
- Day, Richard M Sr.
- Day, William
- Markham, James
- Norfolk
- Folger, Peter
- Morrill, Mary
- Oxfordshire
- Adams, Mary
- Newport, Anne
- Somerset
- Perry, Paul William
- King, Jane
- South Yorkshire
- Starbuck, Catherine
- Surrey
- Scranton, Joanna
- Sussex
- Steele, Samuel
- Warwickshire
- John Aiken
- West Sussix
- Bushnell, Francis
- Wiltshire
- Higgins, Francis
- Hopcott, Sarah
- Macy, Thomas
- Taberer, Mary
- Worcestershire
- Barksdale, William Daniel
- Brett, Diana
- Yorkshire
- Brigham, Anna
- Taberer, Mary
- Overton, William
- Augsburg
- Banzhaf, Christof
- Baden-Württemberg
- Frantz, Mary Elizabeth
- Bayern | Bavaria
- Bueckin, Maria Magdelena Catharina
- Garst, Johan Nicholas
- Gerst, Johan Theobald
- Kettenring, Johan Adam
- Meÿerin, Johann Friedrich
- Müllers, Juliana Catharina
- Black Forest
- Tridle, George W
- Heidelberg
- Zug, Ulrich
- Rheinland-Pfalz
- Dishong, Moritz Wilhelm
- Livengood, Maria Catherine
- Riblet, John Bartholomew
- Saxony | Sachsen | Leipzig
- Bachman, Barbara Elisabeth
- Heitzschelts, Maria A
- Reimers, Dorothea
- Steger, Georg
- Steger, Johann Paul
- Steger, John
- Steger, Paul
- Walther, Anna
- Other Location in Germany
- Gerst, Johan Theobald
- Antrim
- Speer, John
- Argyllshire
- Carlton, Thomas
- Ballure
- Douglas, Mary
- Fife
- Kimbrough, John
- Midlothian
- Anderson, David
- Anderson, George Robert
- Glenn, James
- Stirling
- Crawford, James John
- Basel
- Frantsin, Anna
- Frantz, Christian
- Frantz, Mary Elizabeth
- Frantz, Michael
- Frantz, Michael II
- Schüller, Anna Elisabeth
- Bern
- Livengood, Peter Lincoln
- Middlesex County
- Bushnell, Francis
- Bushnell, Mary
- New Haven County | Guilford
- Benton, Andrew 1639-1714
- Benton, Edward 1600-1680
- Benton, James 1685-1733
- Benton, Joseph Sr 1703-1752
- Desborough, Elizabeth
- Purden, Alice
- Scranton, Joanna
- Scranton, John I
- Other Connecticut Locations
- Manatee County
- Tridle, George Elmer
- Steger, Lenore Inez
- Columbia County
- Nathan Benton 1764-1826
- Harris County
- Benton, Charles Eugenius 1853-1924
- Benton, Eugenius N 1814-1864
- Speer, John
- Johnson County
- Adams, Mary
- Newport, Anne
- Allen County
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Boone County
- King, America Ann Valentine Melvina
- Steger, George Thomas
- Clinton County | Frankfort
- Benton, Ina Belle 1885-1972
- Delaware County | Gaston | Albany | New Burlington
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Fulton County | Rochester
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Grant County | Gas City
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Hamilton County | Carmel | Fisher's Station | Home Place
- Brown, Thelma Irene 1912-1991
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Tridle, George Elmer
- Johnson County
- Steger, Lenore Inez
- Marion County | Broad Ripple | Indianapolis
- Benton, Ina Belle 1885-1972
- Brown, Thelma Irene 1912-1991
- Day, Phedora Alice
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Steger, George Thomas
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Tridle, George Elmer
- Steger, Lenore Inez
- Morgan County
- Richard M. Day, Jr.
- Hannah Kendall
- Mary Worth.
- Day, David,
- Marilda J. Thompson
- Randolph County | Fairview
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Tippecanoe County | West Lafayette
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Wabash County | North Manchester | Chester
- Tridle, George W
- Tridle, Simon Peter
- Wayne County | Richmond
- Lawson, William Harris, Sr. 1931-2020
- Tridle, Barbara Lou 1929-2021
- Gallatin County
- Davenport, Elizabeth
- Steger, John Perratt, Jr.
- Webster, Susannah
- Green County
- Holbrook, William
- Owen County
- King, America Ann Valentine Melvina
- Steger, George Thomas
- Steger, John Perratt, Jr.
- Steger, John Samuel
- Webster, Susanna
- Whitley County
- Markham, James
- Anne Arundel County
- Pierpoint, Henry
- Charles County
- Simpson, Thomas
- Frederick County
- Nathan Benton 1764-1826
- Montgomery County | Hyattsville
- Benton, Joseph Jr 1725- 1807
- Prince George's County
- Benton, Joseph Jr 1725- 1807
- Bristol County
- Hurbert, Anna
- Perrin, John
- Essex County
- Bunker, George
- Nantucket County
- Bunker, William
- Coffin, James
- Coffin, Tristram Sr
- Stevens, Dionis
- Norfolk County
- Brigham, Anna
- Plymouth County
- John Howland
- Joan Hurst
- Elizabeth Tilley
- John Tilly, Sr.
- Wayne County | Detroit
- Donald James Lawson
- Robert Henry Lawson
- Mary Ann Anderson
New Hampshire
- Rockingham County | Exeter
- Coffin, Peter Sr
- Stafford County | Dover
- Starbuck, Catherine
New York
North Carolina
- Anson
- Allen, Mary Ann
- Polk
- Allen, Mary Ann
- Other NC Locations
- Aiken, John
- Atkins, Daniel
- Cooke, Elizabeth
- Day, Deborah
- Day, Richard M Sr
- Day, William
- Clark County | Mad River Township
- Tridle, George W
- Bedford County
- Dishong, Moritz Wilhelm
- Riblet, John Bartholomew
- Berks County
- Meÿerin, Johann Friedrich
- Müllers, Juliana Catharina
- Cambria County
- Adams, Elizabeth
- Erie County
- Livengood, Maria Catherine
- Franklin County
- Banshaf, Christof Friedrich
- Tridle, George W
- Indiana County
- Adams, Elizabeth
- Lancaster County
- Bachman, Barbara
- Bueckin Maria Magdelena Catharina
- Frantz, Mary Elizabeth
- Garst, Johan Nicholas
- Gerst, Johan Theobald
- Lebanon County
- Kettenring, Johan Adam
- Somerset County
- Livengood, Peter Lincoln
Rhode Island
South Carolina
- Georgetown County
- Crawford, James
- Sumner County | Westmoreland
- Benton, Ina Belle 1885-1972
- Brown, Thelma Irene 1912-1991
- Hopkins County | Cumby
- Benton, Charles Eugenius 1853-1924
- Brown, Thelma Irene 1912-1991
- Morris County | Dangerfield
- Benton, Ina Belle 1885-1972
- Accomack County,
- Crosher, Katherine
- Glenn, James
- Botetourt County
- Garst, Johan Nicholas
- Cumberland County
- Perratt, Ann Barbara
- Steger, Francis George
- Henrico County
- Banks, Katherine
- Eppes, Francis II
- Isham, Henry
- Kimbrough, John
- Randolph, Henry Sr.
- Isle of Wright
- Higgins, Francis
- Taberer, Mary
- James City County | Jamestown
- Gurganey, Adria
- Harris, Thomas
- Overton, William
- King and Queen County
- Carlton, Thomas
- Middlesex County
- Reynolds, Elizabeth
- Steger, John
- New Kent County
- Butler, Jane Elizabeth
- Claiborne, William
- Douglas, Mary
- Northumberland County
- Brett, Diana
- Powhatan County
- Steger, John Perratt, Jr
- Steger, John Perratt, Sr
- Davenport, Elizabeth
- Richmond County
- Barksdale, William Daniel
- King, Jane
- Steele, Samuel
- Surry
- Hammond, Martin Sr
- York County
- Hackwell, Elizabeth
- Shearin, Aaron
West Virginia
- Mineral County
- Adams, William
- Douglas County | Superior
- Steger, Lenore Inez
Immigration to the United States
- Adams, Mary (1629-1660)
from Oxfordshire, England to Johnson Co., Georgia - Adams, William (1595-1664)
from Cumberland, England to Mineral Co., West Virginia - Anderson, Mary Ann (1832-1910)
from Windsor, Canada to Detroit, Michigan - Aiken John (1640-1668)
from Warwickshire, England to North Carolina - Atkins, Daniel (1734-1803)
from London, England to Rockingham, North Carolina - Bachman, Barbara Elisabeth (1690-1758)
from Sachsen, Germany to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Banks, Katherine (1627-1686)
from Northamptonshire, England to Henrico, Virginia - Banzhaf, Christof Friedrich
from Augsburg, Germany to Franklin County, Pennsylvania - Barksdale, William Daniel (1629-1694)
from Worcestershire, England to Richmond Co, Virginia - Benton, Edward (1600-1680)
from Essex, England to New Haven, Connecticut - Brett, Diana (1668-1708)
from Northamptonshire, England to Northumberland Co, Virginia - Brigham, Anna (1606-1675)
from Yorkshire, England to Norfolk, Massachusetts - Bueckin, Maria Magdelena Catharina (1702-1770)
from Bayern, Germany to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Bunker, George (1621-1658)
from Bedfordshire, England to Essex Co., Massachusetts - Bunker, William (1648-1712)
from Bedfordshire, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Bushnell, Francis (1608-1681)
from West Sussex, England to Middlesex Co., Connecticut - Bushnell, Mary (1605-1660)
from West Sussex, England to Middlesex Co., Connecticut - Butler, Jane Elizabeth (1610-1676)
from Essex, England to New Kent County, Virginia - Carlton, Thomas (1694-1758)
from Argyllshire, Scotland to King and Queen, Virginia - Claiborne, William (1600-1677)
from Kent, England to New Kent County, Virginia - Coffin, James (1640-1720)
from Devon, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Coffin, Peter Sr (1630-1715)
from Devonshire, England to Exeter, New Hampshire - Coffin, Tristram Sr (1609-1681)
from Devon, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Cooke, Elizabeth (1730-1790)
from Nottinghamshire, England to Guilford Co., North Carolina - Crawford, James John (1724-1799)
from Stirling, Scotland to Georgetown, South Carolina - Crosher, Katherine (1586-1636)
from Kent County, England to Accomack County, Virginia - Day, Richard M Sr (1755-1813)
from Nottinghamshire, England to Guilford Co., North Carolina - Day, William (1730-1790)
from Nottinghamshire, England to Guilford Co., North Carolina - Desborough, Elizabeth (1619-1669)
from Cabridgeshire, England to New Haven Co, Connecticut - Dishong, Moritz Wilhelm
from Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany to Bedford Co. Pennsylvania - Douglas, Mary (1645-1680)
from Ballure, Scotland to New Kent, Virginia - Eppes, Francis II. (1627-1678)
from Kent, England to Henrico Co., Virginia - Folger, Peter (1617-1690)
from Norfolk, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Frantsin, Anna (1691-1739)
from Basel, Switzerland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Frantz, Christian (1685-1739)
from Basel Switzerland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Frantz, Mary Elizabeth (1729-1788)
from Baden-Württemberg, Germany to Lancaster, PA - Frantz, Michael (1687-1748)
from Basel, Switzerland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Frantz, Michael II (1725-1807)
from Basel, Switzerland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to Virginia - Gerst, Johan Nicolaus (1727-1803)
from Bayern, Germany to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Gerst, Johan Theobald (1702-1770)
from Bayern, Germany to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Glenn, James (1635-1696)
from Midlothian, Scotland to Accomack, Virginia - Godfrey, Jane Elizabeth (1624-1662)
ssex, England to Jamestown, Virginia - Hackwell, Elizabeth (1626-1667)
from Middlesex, England to York, Virginia - Hammond, Martin Sr (1620-1663)
from London, England to Surry County, Virginia - Harris, Thomas (1586-1682)
from Essex, England to Jamestown, Virginia - Higgins, Francis (1610-1660)
from Wiltshire, England to Isle of Wright, Virginia - Holbrook, William (1722-1806)
from Cheshire, England to Green Co., Kentucky - Hopcott, Sarah (1612-1706)
from Wiltshire, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Howell, George (1660-1698)
from Durham, England to Richmond, Virginia - Howland, John (1591-1672)
- from Cambridgeshire, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts
- Hurbert, Anna (1616-1688)
from Kent, England to Bristol, Massachusetts - Hurst, Joan (1568-1621)
from Bedfordshire, England to Plymouth, Massachusetts - Isham, Henry (1628-1678)
from Northamptonshire, England to Henrico Co., Virginia - Jackson, Susan Elizabeth (1712-1772)
from Essex, England to North Carolina - Kettenring, Johan Adam
from Bavaria, Germany to Lebanon Co., Pennsylvania - Kimbrough, John (1640-1716)
from Fife, Scotland to New Kent, Virginia - King, Elizabeth (1725-1775)
from Cheshire, England to Virginia - King, Jane (1618-1685)
from Somerset, England to Richmond Co., Virginia - Lawson, Donald James (1871-1940)
from Windsor, Canada to Detroit, MI to Indianapolis, IN - Lawson, Robert Henry (1828-1896)
from London, England to Windsor, CA to Detroit, MI - Livengood, Maria Catherine (1734-1814)
from Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany to Erie, PA - Livengood, Peter Lincoln (1730-1826)
from Bern, Switzerland to Somerset Co., PA - Macy, Thomas (1598-1682)
from Wiltshire, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Markham, James (1743-1803)
from Nottinghamshire, England to Whitley Co., Kentucky - Meÿerin, Johann Friedrich (1698-1774)
from Bayern, Germany to Berks Co., Pennsylvania - Morrill, Mary (1620-1704)
from Norfolk, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Müllers, Juliana Catharina (1703-1772)
from Bayern, Germany to Berks Co., Pennsylvania - Newport, Anne (1599-1658)
from Oxfordshire, England to Johnson Co., Georgia - Overton, William (1638-1697)
from Yorkshire, England to Jamestown, Virginia - Perratt, Ann Barbara (1719-1773)
from London, England to Cumberland, Virginia - Perrin, John (1614-1674)
from London, England to Bristol, Massachusetts - Perry, Paul William (1702-1785)
from Somerset, England to North Carolina - Pierpoint, Henry (1613-1681)
from Herefordshire, England to Anne Arundel Co., Maryland - Pinkham, Richard (1613-1671)
from Devon, England to Dover, New Hampshire - Purden, Alice (1606-1671)
from Essex, England to New Haven, Connecticut - Randolph, Henry Sr. (1623-1673)
from Kent, England to Henrico, Virginia - Reynolds, Elizabeth (1683-1743)
from London, England to Middlesex, Virginia - Riblet, John Bartholomew (1731-1794)
from Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany to Bedford, PA - Schüller, Anna Elisabeth (1695-1768)
from Basel, Switzerland to Lancaster, Pennsylvania - Scranton, Joanna (1621-1651)
from Surrey, England to New Haven Co., Connecticut - Scranton, John I (1609-1671)
from Kent, England to New Haven, Connecticut - Shearin, Aaron (1660-1687)
from Middlesex, England to York County, Virginia - Simpson, Thomas (1640-1669)
from Leicestershire, England to Charles County, Maryland - Speer, John (1748-1842)
from Antrim, Ireland to Harris Co., Georgia - Starbuck, Catherine (1609-1658)
from South Yorkshire to Strafford Co, New Hampshire - Starbuck, Edward (1603-1690)
from Derbyshire, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Steele, Samuel (1640-1707)
from Sussex, England to Richmond, Virginia - Steger, Francis George (1702-1769)
from London, England to Cumberland Co., Virginia - Steger, John (1659-1737)
from Leipzig, Saxony, Germany to Middlesex, Virginia - Stevens, Dionis (1610-1684)
from Devon, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Swain, John Sr (1633-1717)
from Berkshire, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Taberer, Mary (1620-1672)
from Yorkshire, England to Isle of Wright, Virginia - Thompson, William (1598-1666)
from Lancashire, England to Norfolk, Massachusetts - Tilley, Elizabeth (1607-1687)
from Bedfordshire, England to Bristol Co., Massachusetts - Tridle, George W (1789-1874)
from Black Forest, Germany to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana - Waters, Mary Elizabeth (1654-1697)
from London, England to Hanover Co., Virginia - Weare, Mary (1633-1714)
from Devon, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Worth, William (1642-1724)
from Devon, England to Nantucket, Massachusetts - Zug, Ulrich (1690-1758)
from Heidelberg, Germany to Lancaster, Pennsylvania
All of my known ancestral lines had immigrated to the United States prior to the Revolutionary War except for my 2nd great-grandfather, George W. Tridle who came with his brother from Germany in 1800, and my great-grandfather, Donald James Lawson, whose family moved from Canada ca. 1875.
There are 7 other lines for which currently known information does not go back to 1776:
- Adams
- Brooks
- Brosier
- Kates
- King (America Ann V M King line. Two additional King lines include Jane King 1618-1685, from England to Richmond, Virginia and Elizabeth King 1725-1775 from England to Virginia)
- Rummel
- Trittipo
I submitted the Ancestry DNA test in 2015, and the most recent (June 2022) update shows the following:
45% England and Northwestern Europe
Channel Islands, England, Belgium, France, Germany, Isle of Man, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland, Wales
23% Scotland
North East Scotland & the Northern Isles, Scottish Central Lowlands, Scottish Highlands & Islands
14% Ireland
Central Ireland, Connacht, Donegal, Leinster, Munster, Ulster, Northern Ireland & South West Scotland, Scottish Lowlands, Northern England & Northern Ireland
9% Sweden and Denmark
Central & Southern Sweden, Northern Sweden, Denmark
9% Germanic Europe
Central, Northern, Southwest, and Coastal Northwest Germany, Austria-Hungary, Don Steppe, Central Russian Upland, Northwest Germany, Bavarian Forest, and Pilsen
- East Ohio River Valley & Northern Blue Ridge Mountains Settlers
Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia - Delaware Valley, Chesapeake & Midwest Settlers
Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia - Ohio, Indiana & Eastern Kentucky Settlers
Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia - West Virginia, Kentucky & Tennessee Settlers
Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia
---. "List of AncestryDNA® Regions." Ancestry. https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/List-of-AncestryDNA-Regions?language=en_US 16 June 2023.
Donnelly, Cathleen F. "Home Place," 2021. Encyclopedia of Indianapolis. indyencyclopedia.org/home-place/ 17 June 2023.
FamilySearch. “Family Tree Database.” © 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Family Search. https://www.familysearch.org/en/. User William Lawson. 31 May 2023.
Wikipedia Contributors. “Black Forest,” 26 May 2023. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Forest 17 June 2023.
---. "John Howland," 19 April 2023. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlesex 19 June 2023.
---. "List of Mayflower Passengers," 27 April 2023. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Mayflower_passengers 19 June 2023.
---. "Middlesex," 27 May 2023. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlesex 19 June 2023.
---. "Plymouth, Massachusetts," 17 March 2023. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth,_Massachusetts 22 June 2023.
The most recent update for this page was 25 March 2024.
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