Lenore Inez Steger
20 June 1885 – 28 January 1983
Inez was affectionately known by her grandchildren as MawMaw. After she was excluded from Holy Communion in my grandfather's denomination early in their relationship, they decided he would join her church because of the Open Communion policy of the Methodists. In my family, Open Communion remains a central, vital, and profoundly emotional aspect of spiritual life as a powerful sign of God’s love for all humanity. My grandmother was a lifelong member of Broad Ripple United Methodist Church, where I was baptized as an infant (now the fully-inclusive St. Luke's Midtown congregation). She and her sisters were members of the Broad Ripple Chapter 315, Order of Eastern Star.
Children of Lenore Inez Steger:
- Robert Brosier Tridle 1910-1981
- Mary Maxine Tridle 1914-1972
- George Elmer Tridle, Jr. 1923-1989
- Barbara Lou Tridle 1929-2001
Johann Paul Steger 1561-1639, father of George Steger 1609-1681, father of Paul Steger 1637-1704, father of John Steger 1659-1737, father of Francis George Steger 1702-1769, father of John Perratt Steger, Sr 1738-1810, father of John Perratt Steger, Jr 1792-1872, father of John Samuel Steger 1817-1880, father of George Thomas Steger 1859-1943, father of Lenore Inez Steger 1885-1983, mother of Barbara Lou Tridle 1929-2001, mother of the author.
Permanent Archive | Find a Grave | Ancestry | MyHeritage | FamilySearch | Geni
Steger Migration
Germany > England > Virginia > Kentucky > Indiana > Wisconsin > Indiana
Johann Paul Steger of Bösleben, Sachsen, Ansbach, Bavaria, Germany married Dorothea Reimers in Wiederau, Mittweida, Saxony, Germany. Their son Georg Steger married Anna Walther. Their son Paul Steger married Maria A Heitzschelts, and they immigrated to England, apparently after the birth of their son John Steger, who had been born in Germany and immigrated to the United States with his wife Elizabeth Reynolds after their marriage in England and settle in Virginia. Their son Francis George Steger also immigrated to Virginia with his wife Ann Barbara Perratt. Their son John Perratt Steger, Sr., married Elizabeth Davenport. After his death, she moved to Gallatin County, Kentucky, with their son John Perratt Steger, Jr. He married Susannah Webster, and they moved to Owen County, Kentucky. Their son John Samuel Steger married America Ann Valentine Melvina King, who moved to Boone County, Indiana, after his death, along with their son (my great-grandfather) George Thomas Steger. He married Phedora Alice Day. Their daughter was my maternal grandmother, Lenore Inez Steger, who married George Elmer Tridle. Several years after his death, she married Earl Sullivan and moved to Superior, Wisconsin. After his death, she returned to Broad Ripple, and then to Franklin in Johnson County, Indiana.
- England
- Middlesex | London
- Steger, Francis George
- Steger, John
- Steger, Paul
- Germany
- Sachsen | Saxony | Leipzig
- Steger, Georg
- Steger, Johann Paul
- Steger, John
- Steger, Paul
- Florida
- Manatee County | Manatee
- Tridle, George Elmer
- Steger, Lenore Inez
- Indiana
- Boone County
- Steger, George Thomas
- Johnson County | Franklin
- Steger, Lenore Inez
- Marion County | Indianapolis | Broad Ripple
- Steger, George Thomas
- Steger, Lenore Inez
- Kentucky
- Gallatin County
- Steger, John Perratt, Jr.
- Owen County
- Steger, George Thomas
- Steger, John Perratt Jr.
- Steger, John Samuel
- Virginia
- Cumberland County
- Steger, Francis George
- Middlesex County
- Steger, John
- Powhaten County
- Steger, John Perratt, Jr.
- Steger, John Perratt, Sr.
- Wisconsin
- Superior
- Steger, Lenore Inez
Family Photo. "Lenore Inez Steger," ca. 1950.
Odell, Colleen. “Woman Reading,” 2019. Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/vectors/women-reading-writing-transpose-4109213/ 11 May 2023. Drawing.
Ancestry ®. “Indiana Death Certificates, 1899-2017.” Lenora I. Sullivan, 1983. Indiana Archives and Records Administration; Indianapolis, IN, USA; Death Certificates; Year: 1983; Provo, UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015. Ancestry. https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/3878680:60716?ssrc=pt&tid=10075800&pid=-701365734 12 June 2023.
---. “Indiana Marriages, 1800-1941.” Lenore I Steger, 1907. Provo UT: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015. Ancestry. https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/2755686:5059?ssrc=pt&tid=10075800&pid=-701365734 12 June 2023.
---. “Public Member Trees Database.” © 1997-2023 Ancestry ®. Ancestry. https://ancestry.com/ Lawson-Robertson Family Tree person record for Lenore Inez Steger. https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/10075800/person/-701365734/facts User profile for William Harris Lawson, Jr., user Livingweb. 16 June 2023.
Find a Grave, database, and images. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/179408818/lenore-inez-tridle Accessed 12 June 2023), memorial page for Lenore Inez Steger Tridle (20 Jun 1885 - 28 Jan 1983), Find a Grave Memorial ID 179408818, citing Union Chapel Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, USA; Maintained by Vicki (contributor 47580791).
Indiana Album. “Broad Ripple Methodist Episcopal Church,” ca. 1912. Riley Case Collection. Indiana Album. https://indianaalbum.pastperfectonline.com/photo/2C7B9947-A8B2-40D0-94DC-298691638220 31 May 2023.
Manatee County, Florida. "Welcome to Manatee County, Florida." Manatee County. https://www.mymanatee.org/ 20 June 2023.
Order of the Eastern Star. "General Grand Chapter." Order of the Eastern Star. https://easternstar.org/ 12 June 2023.
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. “Midtown.” St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. https://www.stlukesumc.com/midtown 31 May 2023.
The original date of this post: 20 June 2023, the 138th birthday of Lenore Inez Steger.
Last Update: 12 March 2024.